The third installment from the Munnabhai and Circuit series, in this episode both Munna and Circuit are preparing to go to America. The trailer opens showing both Munnabhai (Sanjay Dutt) and Circuit (Arshad Warsi) in their trademark tapoori outfits of an orange shirt and a black kurta respectively. Both are reading a book �How to learn English in 30 days�. With their dreams to go America, learning English obviously becomes an important requisite for them. So both the characters are struggling to learn the Queen�s language thus creating a lot of confusion with their �desi� dialect.
Just for instance check a few of their Hindi lines translated into English
How will they give their address?
In Hindi: Dhobhi ghat
In English: Wash-ington
How will they express their happiness?
In Hindi: Khushi ke maare mera seena phul gaya
In English: Out of happiness my chest turned into breast
Tapori slang
In Hindi: hawa aan de
In English: Let the air force come in
Bambaiya language
In Hindi: khopche main leke deo kya kharcha paani
In English: I will take you out for date and pay for it
There are a few more of their hilarious one-liners that just make you wonder what will actually happen when they reach America. The trailer however is only restricted till their homework in India and doesn�t delve into foreign shores. In terms of its format it very much reminds of the first teaser of Lagey Raho Munnabhai that showed Munnabhai and Circuit talking about Mahatma Gandhi.
�Save America� � they are coming soon.
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